To What Extent is Religion a Source of Conflict?
Of the world’s population, 84% is religiously affiliated (Harper, 2016). Religion is the service and worship of God/Gods or the supernatural. It fills the void of unknown ideas, gives people hope, and gives a sense of safety and comfort. The major religions are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Many religions have magnificent sites in which people go to pray. To some people, religion impacts their every decision, while to others, it does not heavily affect their life. No matter the person, religion influences us all. As a child, we are told that religion is what brings everyone together because the Lord/Lords love everyone. But why then, does the federal government create laws to protect the freedom of religion? Why is the talk about religious beliefs so controversial, enough that it could cause a commotion? Religion is an underlying cause of many conflicts throughout history.
Religion caused numerous conflicts during ancient times. For the early Aztecs, warfare was constant in order to maintain prisoners of war for sacrifices to their gods. During the transition between the major empires favoring monotheistic religions rather than polytheistic ones, many monotheistic followers were persecuted for denying the existence of the gods of polytheistic religions. Another prime example is the Crusades. This 200-year war between the Catholics and the Muslims occurred due to the desire to access the Holy Land in Jerusalem. Each believed that their religion was greater, and therefore, should solely have possession of that land. Hundreds of thousands of people died by starvation or murder from the Crusades and other wars centered around religion.
Religious conflicts were prominently seen during the Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Movements. African Americans were discriminated against because the whites of the South claimed themselves as the superior race. Their justification for that was their religion. Women were also victimized against because of religion. Women are seen as inferior to their husband with their only purpose in life is to reproduce, preferably males. While prominent leaders of the women’s rights movement were not atheist, their ideology rooted from critiquing religion. Elizabeth Stanton wrote, “The Church is a terrible engine of oppression, especially as it concerns women,” (Bianco, 2016). Although it is important to note that Martin Luther King Jr. gathered millions of people by preaching that God loves all his people, laws were passed to ensure there was no discrimination against race and gender because on human rights, not religion. Religious beliefs were the source of conflict against women and African Americans during the Civil Rights era.
Even after thousands of years, religion remains a cause of significant conflict today. One infamous example is the conflict between some Christians and Muslims due to their religious beliefs. While some things are different, the core ideals of worshipping one God and to love one’s neighbor are the same. Thousands of people would still be alive if each group accepted the other’s practices. Noticeably, there are extremists for both religions; however, the thoughts and actions of those people are not what either of the religions represent. Another modern-day example is that some people are being denied the right of service to due sexual orientation and gender identity because their religion does not support it. Yet again, the government stepped in and protected the people’s rights. Even today, religion continues to separate society.
Personally, I am not religious. I am neither monotheistic, polytheistic, nor atheist. I feel that religion can be a good thing as it has undeniably helped some people turn their lives around for the better and it has unified people through hardships. However, I believe that religion hurts society when people try to impose their faith onto others. It is only a problem when someone denies other people’s religions or ways of life because they believe their way is the one and only true way. Well not everyone is like that you may be saying, and yes, you are correct; nevertheless, that still does not nullify the conflicts caused from religions throughout history. Religion is very sensitive to some people because it guides them throughout their life and teaches them how to be a good person. When that comfort is challenged, people can get offended and upset easily. Overall, I think it is important to remember that everyone is human, and we should all be treated respectfully. We all strive to do better in life, so there is no need to classify people based on religion. We are all share basic human morals. In truth, that is what unites us all.
Works Cited
Bianco, Marcie. “Women's rebellion against religion.” Women's Media Center, 17 Nov. 2016.
Harper, Jennifer. “84 Percent of the World Population Has Faith; a Third Are Christian.” The Washington
Times, The Washington Times, 23 Dec. 2012,